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4-hour National Strike, Friday 3 December 

Source ATM Milan metro

Traffic and Transportation

On Friday 3 December the National Secretariats of the UGL Autoferro and UGL Ferrovieri trade union organizations proclaimed a 4-hour multi-sector political strike at the national level of the mobility sector to which the territorial structure of UGL Autoferro joined for the local public transport sector.

ATM lines

The strike could affect the ATM lines between 18 and 22.

AGI lines

They may have delays or be deleted races of 201, lines 220, 222, 230, 328, 423, 431, 433 and Smart Bus departing in the timeslot between 18 and 22. races departing from the terminus will be ensured by start of the service at 6pm.

More information: https://autoguidovie.it/

Reasons of the organization that proclaimed the strike

The strike was called against the introduction of the so-called “green pass” obligation to access the workplace, a circumstance which, according to the promoters, led to the emergence of “real and tangible discrimination” between workers and in the organization of work. For the possibility that the green certification swabs are given free of charge to all the workers concerned; to raise awareness among companies in the search for ad hoc agreements, so that no further discrimination occurs; for the safety of all operators in the sector.

Participation in recent strikes 

In compliance with the provisions on information to the public, the overall average percentages of adherence recorded during the last abstentions proclaimed by the same acronyms, are available for ATM SpA.

Automated translation Source ATM Milan metro

Easy Milano

Easy Milano is the online publication for the international community of Milan. We offer practical tips, key information and essential insights about living and working in Italy. Easy Milano has been assisting English speaking expats in Milan since 1999.
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