Essential Tips for Driving in Italy

Essential Tips for Driving in Italy

Like many aspects of living in Italy, driving a car requires navigating the country’s notoriously complex bureaucracy, as well as a few of its characteristic cultural peculiarities. In this article, w...

Italy: Are Rents Going Down?

Italy: Are Rents Going Down?

As many of the stories written about Italy often focus on doom and gloom, such as rising public debt, high unemployment, and an economy that is essentially struggling, I am often asked if this has aff...

Driving in Italy: A Little Wisdom Goes A Long Way

Driving in Italy: A Little Wisdom Goes A Long Way

Sometimes, wisdom is simply having the good sense to just listen to valid information so that you can save yourself a lot of major issues and headaches. Let me explain: a few years ago, I relocated a ...

The Ultimate Guide to Successfully Renting a Property in Italy

The Ultimate Guide to Successfully Renting a Property in Italy

Renting a property in Italy can be an exciting and rewarding experience. From picturesque coastal towns to vibrant city centers, Italy offers a diverse range of rental opportunities for both locals an...

Step by Step Guide to Italian Immigration

Step by Step Guide to Italian Immigration

Every year, Italy is always among the top ten countries that foreigners would like to move to. There are many reasons for this, including the country’s rich history, culture, and art scene, beautiful ...

Stop Looking for Workarounds in Italy

Stop Looking for Workarounds in Italy

There’s not a day that goes by that a foreigner does not post in an expat online group or forum asking for a workaround regarding Italy’s laws, rules, and regulations. The problem with this approach i...

Italy: What’s Your Game Plan?

Italy: What’s Your Game Plan?

As part of my expat coaching program, my aim is to assist individuals who are relocating to Italy to gain as much clarity as possible, so that they can map out the most successful life possible for th...

What is Town Hall Registration and Why Do You Need It

What is Town Hall Registration and Why Do You Need It

Regardless of whether you are an EU or a Non-EU citizen, if you are planning on living in Italy full-time, you will need to register at the Town Hall as a resident where you live. This is a vital step...

Arrivederci – How to Leave Italy Stress Free!

Arrivederci – How to Leave Italy Stress Free!

So, the time has come to leave Italy – maybe your assignment here has finished, or you may have decided to move somewhere else. In either case, certain steps must be taken to wind down your life in It...

Relocating to Italy – The Essential First Steps

Relocating to Italy – The Essential First Steps

Whether it has been your dream to move to live in Italy for a lifetime, or if you are moving here for another reason, below you will find a series of steps that you should ideally do before you arrive...

Relocating to Italy – The Essential First Steps

Relocating to Italy – The Essential First Steps

Whether it has been your dream to move to live in Italy for a lifetime, or if you are moving here for another reason, below you will find a series of steps that you should ideally do before you arrive...

The Challenges of Running a Small Business in Italy

The Challenges of Running a Small Business in Italy

Whether you are just starting a new business in Italy, or if you are already a small owner business, many of the challenges that you face running a company here are the same. Let’s look at some of the...

Italy 101: Understanding the Housing Market

Italy 101: Understanding the Housing Market

The housing market in Italy is very different from other markets and many aspects of it often surprise foreigners relocating here. In order to fully understand how it works, and to avoid any unpleasan...

Italy: Making a Living & How to Do it!

Italy: Making a Living & How to Do it!

When I first moved to Italy back in 1988, the employment situation and business landscape were very different, many opportunities that exist today, simply did not back then. Technology and the global ...

Is an Overseas Assignment Right for You?

Is an Overseas Assignment Right for You?

The allure of an overseas assignment can be very appealing to some individuals, especially for certain destinations that are very sought after, such as London. However, it is wise to note, that some o...

Achieving a Successful Checkout in Italy!

Achieving a Successful Checkout in Italy!

The last thing in Italy that you want is dilapidations! The judicial system moves at a glacial pace and it is normal for lawsuits to be settled after many, many years. Given this state of affairs, it ...

Relocating To Italy: What You Need to Know Now!

Relocating To Italy: What You Need to Know Now!

You’ve just told your friends and coworkers that you have decided to move to Italy and every one is happy for you, even if, they are a little envious as they conjure up images of Italian apparel, wond...

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