How to Get a Residency Permit in Italy (Permesso di Soggiorno) 

How to Get a Residency Permit in Italy (Permesso di Soggiorno) 

Now that you have made it to Italy, it is important to get your permesso di soggiorno if you are a non-EU foreign national. Within the first 8 days of entry, you must apply for a permit. You do not ne...

What to Say in a Job Interview in English

What to Say in a Job Interview in English

Getting a job can be difficult, especially if your interview is English! Let’s try and make things a bit easier! In this article we will look at some typical questions you might be asked in your inter...

Overcoming the Language Barrier

Overcoming the Language Barrier

Moving to Milan brings excitement but also the challenge of adapting to a new language environment. This guide aims to provide insights and recommendations for those recently arrived in Milan and deal...

Codice Fiscale Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Codice Fiscale Guide: Everything You Need to Know

What Is a Codice Fiscale? A codice fiscale (fiscal code) is an essential Italian tax identification number, one of the key requirements for an Italian immigrant, among other things. It identifies fore...

The Benefits of Investing in Italian Real Estate

The Benefits of Investing in Italian Real Estate

Many are the qualities for which Italy is known around the world. Good food, art, fashion and, most of all, the so-called “dolce vita,” an expression that has already entered the world’s vocabulary an...

Obtaining Italian Citizenship

Obtaining Italian Citizenship

The Benefits of Becoming Italian The process of obtaining Italian nationality can take some time, but once obtained, it provides access to a range of benefits and rights as an Italian citizen, includi...

A Guide to Separation & Child Custody in Italy

A Guide to Separation & Child Custody in Italy

Family law in Italy is undergoing significant changes, recognizing the diverse needs of families going through separation. Courts are now open to solutions that benefit children, with the priority of ...

A Guide to Car Sharing in Milan

A Guide to Car Sharing in Milan

Did you know that Milan has the biggest car-sharing system in Italy? This system has first been introduced in 2001 due to its easy convenience and is currently present with five operators offering thi...

What Are Expats & Where Do They Live?

What Are Expats & Where Do They Live?

What is an Expat? The word “expat”, short for “expatriate” literally means “outside your native country (ex patria)”, so expats are basically people who live abroad. Expats are often distinguished fro...

Rientro dei Cervelli – Tax Break for Foreigners

Rientro dei Cervelli – Tax Break for Foreigners

Taxes – such a small word yet it can produce such intense emotions in many. Knowing that they can be a sore spot for many, Italy’s decision to entice more people to return – or enter – Italy by offeri...

Emotional Planning for Studying Abroad

Emotional Planning for Studying Abroad

Emotional Prep 101 For many university students, a highlight of the college years is the chance to live abroad for a semester – or even a year – and experience life and school in a completely new cult...

A Guide to Bike Sharing in Milan

A Guide to Bike Sharing in Milan

While Milan is an easily walkable city, and you can reach your destination quickly by foot, there are also various types of rental vehicles that you can use to get around the city. Bike-sharing is by ...

Tips for Traveling with Kids

Tips for Traveling with Kids

Like international couples, my wife and I travel abroad frequently, often to spend time with family and friends. For expats, traveling is like brushing your teeth, something you do on autopilot withou...

How to Legally Avoid US Tax on the Sale of your Non-US Home for Americans Abroad

How to Legally Avoid US Tax on the Sale of your Non-US Home for Americans Abroad

If you are a US citizen living outside the United States, under US tax law, you could be subject to US capital gains tax on the sale of your non-US home. It doesn’t matter where the sale of the home i...

Free Online US Tax Preparation Software Options for Americans Abroad

Free Online US Tax Preparation Software Options for Americans Abroad

Earlier this month, the IRS announced the 2024 tax filing season will open on January 29, I’ve already received emails from people asking about how to file their US tax return for this year. For Ameri...

How-To Guide to Getting Married in Italy

How-To Guide to Getting Married in Italy

Italy is one of the most popular locations for destination weddings. When planning your dream wedding, you want it to be perfect. Just imagine a lakeside wedding at Lake Como or an intimate gathering ...

Useful Italian Phrases for Emergencies in Italy

Useful Italian Phrases for Emergencies in Italy

While we hope for a smooth experience during your time in Italy, it’s wise to be prepared for unexpected moments. Knowing how to communicate urgent needs in Italian can be invaluable. In this guide, w...

What is a SPID Digital Identity in Italy

What is a SPID Digital Identity in Italy

If you are planning to move to Italy, you will find that there is a sea of bureaucracy to navigate. One item on the essentials list is a SPID ID. What is a SPID ID? SPID stands for Sistema Pubblico di...

Useful Contact Numbers in Italy

Useful Contact Numbers in Italy

Settling into a new country comes with its own set of challenges. We understand the importance of having quick access to essential services to make your transition smoother. We’ve put together a list ...

Essential Tips for Driving in Italy

Essential Tips for Driving in Italy

Like many aspects of living in Italy, driving a car requires navigating the country’s notoriously complex bureaucracy, as well as a few of its characteristic cultural peculiarities. In this article, w...

How to Get a SPID Digital Identity in Italy

How to Get a SPID Digital Identity in Italy

If you are planning to move to Italy, you will find that there is a sea of bureaucracy to navigate. One item on the essentials list is a SPID ID. If you would like to know more about what a SPID Digit...

Driving in Italy: A Little Wisdom Goes A Long Way

Driving in Italy: A Little Wisdom Goes A Long Way

Sometimes, wisdom is simply having the good sense to just listen to valid information so that you can save yourself a lot of major issues and headaches. Let me explain: a few years ago, I relocated a ...

Travelling with Pets – to and from Italy

Travelling with Pets – to and from Italy

Travelling to and from Italy already requires doing a certain amount of homework – especially if you are arriving from outside the EU (and that now includes post-Brexit Britain). But if you are travel...

The Ultimate Guide to Successfully Renting a Property in Italy

The Ultimate Guide to Successfully Renting a Property in Italy

Renting a property in Italy can be an exciting and rewarding experience. From picturesque coastal towns to vibrant city centers, Italy offers a diverse range of rental opportunities for both locals an...

Looking Forward to the Coronation: a View from Milan

Looking Forward to the Coronation: a View from Milan

The UK is gearing up for the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III on Saturday, 6th May. All the familiar pageantry and pomp that Britain is famous for will be on display, but this time with the ...

Step by Step Guide to Italian Immigration

Step by Step Guide to Italian Immigration

Every year, Italy is always among the top ten countries that foreigners would like to move to. There are many reasons for this, including the country’s rich history, culture, and art scene, beautiful ...

Cosmopolitan Identities

Cosmopolitan Identities

“In an era where global vision and cross-cultural competencies are critical to business success, multicultural upbringing can be far-reaching. Multilingual, highly-skilled and international experience...

Stop Looking for Workarounds in Italy

Stop Looking for Workarounds in Italy

There’s not a day that goes by that a foreigner does not post in an expat online group or forum asking for a workaround regarding Italy’s laws, rules, and regulations. The problem with this approach i...

US Taxes: Filing from Italy

US Taxes: Filing from Italy

2022 TAX SEASON *Best to know Information – helpful information and links for filing US taxes from Italy. FREE DOWNLOADHelpful information and links for filing US taxes from abroad in Italy. Prepared ...

7 Things You Should Know About Getting Divorced in Italy

7 Things You Should Know About Getting Divorced in Italy

Easy Milano sat down with Avv. Armando Cecatiello specialized in Family Law and author of A Mindful Divorce, who explained in simple terms some of the most important aspects of getting divorced in Ita...

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