1000 Scholarships for Global Marketing Communication and Made in Italy Masters

1000 Scholarships for Global Marketing Communication and Made in Italy Masters

The Italian Minister of Education, Professor Maria Cristina Messa, sent the following message to the Italy-USA Foundation and the Centro Studi Comunicare l’Impresa in order to the master’s degree on “Global Marketing, Communication and Made in Italy.

Prof. Maria Cristina Messa

Today we award 1,000 recent graduates who have distinguished themselves in their studies. We award them by offering them a further opportunity for professional and human growth with the free attendance of the Master in “Global Marketing Communication and Made in Italy”, directed by Professor Stefania Giannini and promoted by the Italy USA Foundation with the Comunicare l’Impresa Study Center, whom I thank for the generosity and foresight of their investment. 

The Master is an original and demanding course of study, which makes use of the didactic collaboration of authoritative colleagues and colleagues, it is a training proposal strongly oriented to raise awareness in the participants of the beauty and global value of the “Made in Italy” brand. 

We all have an important political and cultural responsibility of knowing how to promote, enhance and protect, as a synthesis of the tradition and innovation of the country. That this action takes place, then, involving brilliant, motivated, creative young people, represents an occasion for pride and reason for reflection. Pride because we teach and combine knowledge and beauty, craftsmanship and technology according to an alchemy that has always made us unique and recognizable in the world, especially in sectors with a high creative content, from fashion to food, from cars to manufacturing.

 It is also a reason for reflection, because today the culture of “quality combined with beauty” must be able to find new fields of application and development. In this the contribution of young people is fundamental. They have the task of imagining, creating and promoting the Italy of the future. I hope that this formative experience will contribute to forming open, visionary, courageous minds, capable of shaking and renewing even more positively the image of our country in the world. I like to think that this happens with young people already in an international context, such as that of the Master program.

 It is one of the ways to foster mutual knowledge, to deal with more sensitivity and cultures, to experience mobility as an opportunity for personal and professional growth and enrichment. It will then be the passion, enthusiasm, optimism and tenacity of our young people that will make possible those changes that the country needs and that will make the “Made in Italy” brand more robust, broad and significant. It is up to us to trust them and believe in them.” [source]

Fondazione Italia USA

Fondazione Italia USA is a non-profit organization established to honour the friendship between Italians and Americans. Visit website
