Overcoming the Language Barrier

Overcoming the Language Barrier

Moving to Milan brings excitement but also the challenge of adapting to a new language environment. This guide aims to provide insights and recommendations for those recently arrived in Milan and deal...

Portraits of Italian Women

Portraits of Italian Women

Ritratti di Donne (Portraits of women) Present-day Italy told through the stories of ten women, protagonists of the Italian cultural and creative scene, a project by Italiana Language Creativity Cultu...

Italy: What’s Your Game Plan?

Italy: What’s Your Game Plan?

As part of my expat coaching program, my aim is to assist individuals who are relocating to Italy to gain as much clarity as possible, so that they can map out the most successful life possible for th...

What is the right language for your resume?

What is the right language for your resume?

Some days ago, I found myself strenuously arguing for my view about the language that should be used when drawing a professional profile. My view is the following: whether we’re talking about a CV or ...

Relocating To Italy: What You Need to Know Now!

Relocating To Italy: What You Need to Know Now!

You’ve just told your friends and coworkers that you have decided to move to Italy and every one is happy for you, even if, they are a little envious as they conjure up images of Italian apparel, wond...

The Stages of Cultural Adjustment (Part 3 of 3)

The Stages of Cultural Adjustment (Part 3 of 3)

In part two of the series, we left off discussing stage three of cultural adjustment, adaptation, in which you were beginning to reach a place of understanding and acceptance of your new culture, and ...

The Stages of Cultural Adjustment (Part 2 of 3)

The Stages of Cultural Adjustment (Part 2 of 3)

In part one, we left off discussing stage two of the process of cultural adjustment, in which you were experiencing full-blown culture shock and all the frustrations and challenges that go with it. Ag...

The Secret Price of History

The Secret Price of History

Most of us would agree that you can consider yourself well integrated into a new country when you stop translating back and forth from your native language and culture. Yet for a handful of assimilate...

A chat with Clive Malcolm Griffiths

A chat with Clive Malcolm Griffiths

Clive Malcolm Griffiths has worn many hats along his road through life, but he is perhaps best known with his bowler hat on explaining lyrics of today’s top pop hits in Italian schools. He moved to It...
