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Choosing a Family Doctor in Lombardy has just gotten easier

Choosing a Family Doctor in Lombardy has just gotten easier

From Tuesday, July 5,2022 residents and health card holders in Lombardy, Italy will be able to choose or change their family doctor (medico di base) or pediatrician at a pharmacy.

Approved by the regional council vice president and councilor for welfare Letizia Moratti and signed in agreement by the Lombardy Region, Federfarma Lombardia and Assofarm Confservizi Lombardia. 

The program was first tried and tested in the area of Brianza involving 86 pharmacies with great success.

Before this new program was implemented, residents had to go to the local ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) or ATS (Agenzie di Tutela della Salute) and choose a doctor. In 2020, the Electronic Health Record and digital welfare services of the Lombardy Region opened their online portal where residents could choose a medical practitioner, a service which is still valid and accessible: https://www.fascicolosanitario.regione.lombardia.it

Now, you can also go to a pharmacy in your neighborhood and consult the list of available doctors and pediatricians near you. Show your proof of residency (carte di identità) and your health card (tessera santiaria).

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