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Dance: Le Fumatrici di Pecore Abbondanza Bertoni Dance Company

Dance: Le Fumatrici di Pecore Abbondanza Bertoni Dance Company


October 29 - 20:00


October 30 - 18:00

Event Category:

Events, Featured


Teatro Geralomo

Piazza Cesare Beccaria 8

20122 Milan

Dance with the Abbondanza Bertoni company arrives at the Teatro Gerolamo

Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 October 2022

Saturday 8 pm – Sunday 4 pm – at the Teatro Gerolamo

Compagnia Abbondanza / Bertoni present


a project by Antonella Bertoni
directed by Michele Abbondanza
choreography, sets and costumes Antonella Bertoni
with Patrizia Birolo and Antonella Bertoni
production Compagnia Abbondanza / Bertoni with Autonomous Province of Trento / with the support of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – Municipality of Rovereto – Department of Culture

Antonella Bertoni, dancer and choreographer, and Patrizia Birolo, “healthy bearer of a different ability”, will bring “Le fumatrici di pecore” directed by Michele Abbondanza to the small stage of the Gerolamo.

First show of the Biological Project (trilogy with extraordinary performers: The Sheep Smokers, Scena Madre, Il Ballo del Qua).

Antonella Bertoni meets the poignant dance of a woman on the borders.

“Always fascinated by shapes and multiforms, we begin a collaboration with an extraordinary interpreter (“ out of the ordinary ”): she is the healthy bearer of a different ability, we are sick bearers of our health. We will try to exchange the respective courses. ” (BUT)

“Looking at Patrizia, I understood with intensity how much a body and a person could express a dancing mood. It seemed to me that I saw her life being a lack of her life, and this caused me to be disoriented. Hence the desire to write a score with her. A journey through images is always an enchantment, where the path between one being and another becomes shorter.

The choreographic sequences, the short relationship stories, are precious occasions to rewrite other older stories. Without describing or commenting, we will record the events as clean mirrors, virgin films, empty surfaces without losing the uncertainty of those who feel at the border. ” (AB)

It is almost an understatement to talk about a show for Le fumatrici di pecore despite the directorial completeness put in place by Michele Abbondanza. What really emerges here is the experience, the confrontation in the mirror, the questions towards the two interpreters who bravely laid themselves bare. And, coincidentally, the most destabilized interpreter seems to be Antonella, forced to reset the certainties and the structures of a more than twenty-year brilliant career to tell about this encounter. Osmotic and precious.  ( Maria Luisa Buzzi, Dance & Dance, December 2010)

Disorientation, on the other hand, is the key from which the beautiful duo that gives us the extravagant vision inherent in the title […] is a special duo, which remains in the heart. Bertoni is one of the most touching dancers in Italian dance: her movement on stage is the spokesperson for the humanity of dancing, entrusted to long arms that caress the space with a quality that is now loving, now painful, never merely technical, humanity of which a body says. thin and strong, mirror of a thought. Patrizia and Antonella talk to us about theater, what it means to choose a space to start, about the trust that is necessary to go through a stretch of life together, about what you can discover in the other […] fun and affection, real physical fatigue of being on stage and the beauty of dance, everything mixes with skilful theatrical rhythm and timing […] for a work that moved the audience like an awakening. (Francesca Pedroni, Il manifesto, 3 July 2011)


Show duration: 55 minutes

HOURS: weekdays at 8pm – Sunday at 4pm

PRICES: from 10 € to 18 €
offices: 02.36590120 / 122 | ticketetteria@teatrogerolamo.it

Piazza Cesare Beccaria 8 – 20122 Milan
Tel. 02 36590120/122 (offices) | 02 45388221 (ticket office)
Email info@teatrogerolamo.it

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