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Independence Day Message from Sri Lanka Consul General

Independence Day Message from Sri Lanka Consul General

“our heartfelt appreciation for the Government and people of Italy for their generous support and goodwill …”

It gives me great pleasure to convey my warm greetings and sincere best wishes to the Sri Lankan expatriate community in the Regions of Lombardy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Piedmont, Trentino Alto Adige, Valle d’ Aosta and Veneto on this auspicious occasion of the 69th Anniversary of Independence of Sri Lanka, which falls on 04th February 2017.

The Independence Day of Sri Lanka takes place at a time when our country is embarking on a new chapter in terms of strengthening democracy, good governance, rule of law, human rights and relations with the global community of nations under the leadership of President Maithripala Sirisena.

At a time when we are enjoying the benefits of peace and tranquillity, let us remember with gratitude the fallen heroes of our motherland who made the supreme sacrifice to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka.

It is also my duty to place on record our heartfelt appreciation for the Government and people of Italy for their generous support and goodwill extended to Sri Lanka and its people.

The Milan Mission established in 2016, to further trade and economic relations, remains to date a pillar in bilateral relations with Italy. The Consulate will focus on deepening ties in areas such as social, technical and cultural with the seven regions that fall under its purview.

Sri Lanka and Italy enjoy very cordial bilateral relations that are built on mutual respect, friendship, people-to-people contact, enhanced trade and investment relations, etc. Relief assistance in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster symbolizes the warm and generous goodwill Italy extends to Sri Lanka.

Italy and Sri Lanka have therefore been traditional partners for centuries and currently there are 08 major Italian Companies that operate under the BOI, focusing on Garment Manufacture, Footwear, Tourism, Rubber basic products, Horticulture, Paper Base Products and Coir. Many of these Italian enterprises such as the Calzedonia Group are engaged in the manufacture and retail of garments.

It is particularly a matter of pride that the Sri Lankan expatriate community in Northern Italy has made a tremendous contribution to the strengthening of the relations between Sri Lanka and Italy. I take this opportunity to recognize their invaluable contribution during difficult times in our recent history.

On behalf of Sri Lanka Consulate General in Milan, I wish all my fellow Sri Lankan citizens and our Italian friends a very happy Independence Day.

Consul General Pradeepa Saram
Consulate General of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in Milan, Italy

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