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Season’s Greeting from Crispin Conroy, Australian Consul General in Milan

Season’s Greeting from Crispin Conroy, Australian Consul General in Milan

Thank you to the Easy Milanoteam for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself to your readers!

Firstly, let me wish you all the very best for the festive and holiday season; especially those Australians making the long trip home.

I am just beginning my posting as Consul General in Milan, and Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner for Italy.  I have only been in the job for a month, and I have already had the chance to meet a number of innovative and dynamic Italian businesses – many of them world leaders in their field – across a range of sectors, including renewable energy, education technologies (edu-tech), automotive engineering and medical technology.

The focus of my work as Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner is promoting Australia as a destination for productive foreign investment by large and medium size Italian enterprises throughout Italy, in coordination with my colleagues in the Australian Embassy in Rome.  Australia has one of the best records of sustained economic growth in the world, and a significant part of this success has been underpinned by foreign investment.  There is a recognition in Australia that Italian companies can contribute greatly to our growth in the future through productive investments and partnerships in Australia.

My consular role is also of major importance, and the Consulate’s consular and passport team is very active, and assists many Australians every week.

I am a career diplomat, and have had postings in a wide range of countries (Spain, Switzerland, Papua New Guinea).  And I have represented Australia as Ambassador in Nepal and in Chile, and as Consul General in Colombia.  Although I have spent the last ten years in Latin America, I know Italy quite well, having come here first as an 18 year old, prior to commencing my university studies, and having visited almost every year since then.  I look forward to making a difference to the bilateral commercial relationship, and to putting Australia “on the map” as a destination for those dynamic, innovative Italian companies looking to grow in the Asia Pacific region.  And I am – of course – looking forward to getting to know the country, its people and its business community even better.

My passion is the ocean, and I have had to privilege to build links between the surfing communities in Latin America and Australia during my time in Chile, Peru and Colombia.  Some of you may be surprised to know that Italy has a vibrant surf culture, and that a Italian young surfer is already amongst the world’s best, with the potential to become world champion.  I hope to find some good surf breaks in Italy while I am here!

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year,

Crispin Conroy

Australian Consul General & Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner

Australian Consulate General in Milan, Italy

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