An Amazing Year for the Milan Scottish Country Dancers

An Amazing Year for the Milan Scottish Country Dancers

The main reason why this has been an amazing year for the Milan Scottish Country Dancers (MSCD) is obvious: 2022-2023 was the first complete period of normal activity after the tiresome Covid restrict...

Why do Scots hold a Burns supper?

Why do Scots hold a Burns supper?

Casa Scozia and The Milan Scottish Country Dancers will hold a Burns Supper followed by Scottish Country Dancing at All Saints Church, Via Solferino 17, Milan on Saturday, 27 January 2018. Places limi...

How much do you know about Robert Burns?

How much do you know about Robert Burns?

Scotland is perhaps the only country in the world that regularly celebrates a poet: 25 January 2016 will mark the 257thanniversary of Robert Burns’ birth in 1759. Scots all over the world will get tog...
