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The Best Times to Look for Work in Italy

The Best Times to Look for Work in Italy

When is the best time of the year to look for a new job? And which are the worst months in which to send your curriculum vitae? Timing is also important when it comes to looking for a new job, so we asked the opinion of some experts to understand something more.

“There are no absolute rules that prohibit or discourage the sending of CVs at certain times of the year”   Carola Adami, founder of Adami & Associati, an international head hunting company in Italy specializing in the selection of qualified personnel and career development.

If you are looking for a job in Milan, there are job-related magazines and websites like Secondamano.it or Lavorare.net. You may also want to search for the “ordine” or “albo”, professional association of your professional field. For example, journalists have l’ordine dei giornalisti, doctors have l’ordine dei medici, Lawyers have l’ordine degli avvocati etc.

If you find it difficult to communicate in Italian, you may want to look for local expat organizations, networking groups, or online communities. To find a job in Milan, try the employment section of Easy Milano classified ads section where job opportunities in Milan and other areas of Italy are listed.

Don’t send your CV during the holidays or in summer. “Without a shadow of a doubt there are periods during which the search for a new job is less effective. For example, December, is traditionally a very bad time for those looking for a new job. Companies are grappling with year-end tasks before the holiday break. It must also be said that very often in this period the available budget has closed, and new decisions are postponed  until after the Christmas holidays. On the other hand, regarding seasonal jobs , most of the hires tend to be agreed by the end of November, thus making December very unexciting for those looking for a new job, even if temporary”, continues the head hunter.

Another bad time to the search for a new job is between July and August. “In the height of summer very often some of the managers are on vacation or about to leave the office for a break and for this reason the placements of new staff are usually postponed, except in the case of sudden emergencies”, Carola Adami explains again.

Does this mean that, in these unfavorable times, those looking for a new job should sit idle?

“Absolutely not,” says Adami, “We must always remember that immediately after these more relaxed periods come the months in which job offers multiply: I’m talking about January and September, as well as the weeks in spring immediately after Easter, and therefore, the best time to find a job”.

Use the worst times, December, July and August to update your CV and prepare for interviews.

“Anyone looking for a new job should invest time and resources in perfecting their curriculum vitae , in updating and making their LinkedIn profile more interesting and in filling any gaps, from foreign languages to digital skills. By doing so, it will be possible to present oneself in the best possible way to companies and headhunters ”, concludes the founder of Adami e Associati.

In summary, be sure your CV and LinkedIn profile are updated and choose the best time to apply for a new job; January, September and the weeks immediately after the Easter break.

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