The Geopolitics of the Energy Transition

The Geopolitics of the Energy Transition

The virtual conference Geopolitics of the Energy Transition will be held on Thursday 24 June from 9.45 am , a moment of reflection wanted by the British Embassy in Rome , the Enel Foundation and ISPI as part of the ‘All4Climate-Italy2021’ program promoted by the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition. , in view of the pre-COP and COP26 that this year Italy and the United Kingdom are organizing in partnership. 

Discussing the topic of the transition to more sustainable energy sources will be, among others: Michele Crisostomo , President of Enel and of the Scientific Committee of the Enel Foundation; Giampiero Massolo , ISPI President, Jill Morris , UK Ambassador to Italy; Carlo Papa , Managing Director of the Enel Foundation; Elizabeth Press , Director of Planning and Program Support, IRENA; Janet Rogan , COP26 Regional Ambassador Middle East and Africa (complete program attached). 

” As ISPI as national coordinators of Think20 – one of the G20 engagement groups – we have discussed extensively in recent months, together with experts from all over the world, about climate change, sustainable energy and the environment, focusing our attention in particular on finance green and the circular economy of carbon “says GiampieroMassolo , ISPI President. ” The geopolitics of the energy transition is another key issue that deserves our attention given that the world’s energy supply continues to be based on fossil fuels, which are among the main contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions .” 

“ Climate change is underway and if we don’t act now, future generations will bear the weight of our choices. COP26, of which the United Kingdom holds the presidency in partnership with Italy, offers us the opportunity to change gear, increasing the level of ambition and promoting concrete changes that help us guarantee young people the future they deserve “, says the ‘Ambassador Jill Morris . “In recovering from the pandemic, both my government and the Italian one are strongly supporting the need for a sustainable recovery, which allows us to better rebuild our future, leaving behind obsolete and harmful paradigms for the planet and adopting new ones, respectful of the planet. This means moving away from a system based on fossil fuels and undertaking the clean energy transition without hesitation ”. 

“ The energy transition based on renewable sources reformulates the paradigm on which the geopolitics of fossil fuels was founded, ” said Enel President Michele Crisostomo. The geolocation of energy resources will reduce influences and pressures. Renewables and grids already represent today and will increasingly be tomorrow an essential element of energy independence, guaranteeing sustainable development at all latitudes for all. The electrification of consumption and the digitalization of distribution networks, which are increasingly flexible and resilient, will contribute – together with renewables – to decarbonise the planet. A new geopolitics, capable of healing fragility and imbalances rather than exalting them, will be decisive for the success of the fight against climate change and energy security: only by cooperating can we achieve the common goal of ensuring a prosperous future for people and the planet . ” 

The conference will explore the socio-economic, trade, security and foreign policy implications of the energy transition, paying particular attention to the role that multilateral governments and institutions, in particular COP26 and the G20, can play. 

To participate in the meeting, which will be held in English, you need to register at the link: eventi / eventi / geopolitics- energy-transition 

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