The Milan Scottish Country Dancers Start a New Year

The Milan Scottish Country Dancers Start a New Year

Our financial year runs from 1 July to 30 June, so given that we don’t do anything in July and August (except for those who flee the heat to attend the RSCDS Summer School in much cooler St Andrews, Scotland), September marks our “New Year”.

And this year, there’s a major change: we have decided to add a new Level 1 (Beginners) Course – assuming that we will get 15-20 newcomers. As a result, we will have four separate courses: L1 (Beginners), L2 (Intermediate), L3 (Experienced) and L4 (Advanced).

If the idea tickles your fancy, then come to our Open Day on Thursday, 14 September in All Saints, Via Solferino 17 from 20.00 to 22.00. Entrance free. No need to bring a partner, just flat shows for dancing. Dress casual (as for gym).

The full calendar of courses is as follows:

7/9  L4 21.00-23.00 for those going to the RSCDS event in Budapest on 22/9

14/9 Open Day 20.00-22.00

18/9 (and every Monday thereafter, except for public holidays): L2 19.30-21.00  L3 21.00-23.00

21/9 (and every Thursday thereafter, except for public holidays): L1 19.30-21.00  L4 21.00-23.00

The courses will be led by:

L1 Tom & Silvia

L2 Sara & John

L3 John & Silvia

L4 Tom & Pier

Each course will consist of 10 lessons, so the fee for each course is €60 plus €30 for annual membership of the MSCD, which includes registration with the CSI (CONI) and insurance cover.

Apart from our traditional events as explained in the August issue of Easy Milano (St Andrew’s Night 25/11, Burns Night 27/1 and the Milan Highland Ball 25/5), we will also be holding ceilidhs (less formal dance events) at regular intervals.

Hope to see you 14 September. Sign up by calling/whatsapping Sara Tel. 348 085 1932 or sending her an email at

Details and updates on our website

John Murphy

President, Milan Scottish Country Dancers

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