Interview with Katie Walker: Empowering Expats and Supporting Mental Health Across Cultures

Interview with Katie Walker: Empowering Expats and Supporting Mental Health Across Cultures

Katie Walker is a compassionate counselor with over two decades of experience supporting teenage girls and women in leadership roles around the world. With her extensive travels in over 35 countries a...

What Families are Looking for in an International / American School

What Families are Looking for in an International / American School

Choosing the right international or American school is a pivotal decision for families living and working abroad. In her letter, Denise Buren, Admissions & Advancement Director at The American School ...

What Distinguishes the American School of Milan?

What Distinguishes the American School of Milan?

What defines a quality education in an international school setting? An authentic international school experience that prepares students for the future is defined by its mission, values and by the qua...

Discovering Happiness: Practical Steps to a More Positive Mindset

Discovering Happiness: Practical Steps to a More Positive Mindset

When we think of the word “happy,” many things might come to mind: a fond childhood memory, a favorite food, a dear friend. Whatever it is, most people can remember a moment in time when they felt tru...

International, Bilingual, or Italian Schools: How to Choose the Best Education for Your Children

International, Bilingual, or Italian Schools: How to Choose the Best Education for Your Children

  For expat families living abroad, choosing the right school for your children is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. In a city like Milan, where international, bilingual, and traditiona...

7 Things You Should Know About Getting Divorced in Italy

7 Things You Should Know About Getting Divorced in Italy

Easy Milano sat down with Avv. Armando Cecatiello specialized in Family Law and author of A Mindful Divorce, who explained in simple terms some of the most important aspects of getting divorced in Ita...

Finding A Sense of Community in Milan

Finding A Sense of Community in Milan

Moving to a new city can be both exciting and daunting. One of the most challenging aspects is navigating the culture and finding your place within its community. If you’re an expat looking to find yo...

Top International Schools in Milan

Top International Schools in Milan

  Milan is home to several prestigious international schools, offering a range of curricula from British, American, and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs in English, French and German. These s...

Milan Pride Month

Milan Pride Month

Known as an extraordinary celebration of freedom, Milan Pride is the first display of LGBTQIA+ pride: gay, lesbian, bi+, transgender and non-binary, asexual, intersex, queer, and any other identity. W...

A Guide to Separation & Child Custody in Italy

A Guide to Separation & Child Custody in Italy

Family law in Italy is undergoing significant changes, recognizing the diverse needs of families going through separation. Courts are now open to solutions that benefit children, with the priority of ...

Tips for Traveling with Kids

Tips for Traveling with Kids

Like international couples, my wife and I travel abroad frequently, often to spend time with family and friends. For expats, traveling is like brushing your teeth, something you do on autopilot withou...

Bilingual School or International school: which is better for your child?

Bilingual School or International school: which is better for your child?

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. If you are considering a bilingual school in Milan or an international school, there are some...

Top 10 Cities in Europe for Raising a family

Top 10 Cities in Europe for Raising a family

With the increase of telecommuting positions, employers seem to be less strict with parents and family commitments. This is good news for those looking to balance their demanding jobs with providing t...

Choosing a Family Doctor in Lombardy has just gotten easier

Choosing a Family Doctor in Lombardy has just gotten easier

From Tuesday, July 5,2022 residents and health card holders in Lombardy, Italy will be able to choose or change their family doctor (medico di base) or pediatrician at a pharmacy. Approved by the regi...

Yes, your dog can understand what you’re saying — to a point

Yes, your dog can understand what you’re saying — to a point

As expats interested in culture and language learning, we thought this would be fun reading for the weekend. Sophie Jacques, Associate Professor, Psychology and Neuroscience, at Dalhousie University e...

Going With the Flow of the Holidays

Going With the Flow of the Holidays

Karen Rigatti, Certified Professional Counselor in Milan shares her insights and some tips on keeping calm during the holiday season. Some welcomed wisdom, especially appreciated in the current, topsy...

Who lives longer: grandparents or non-grandparents?

Who lives longer: grandparents or non-grandparents?

Grandchildren are generally regarded as enrichment for the life of older people, according to new research by the University of Cologne. The study, conducted by Professor Dr Lea Ellwardt, Karsten Hank...

When to start teaching a second language to our children

When to start teaching a second language to our children

Yelly Hernandez, PhD of Linguistic Sciences at the University of Paris shares her studies and opinions as a mother and linguist to help answer the question “When should children start learning a secon...

Whether a mother works has little impact on their child’s behavior

Whether a mother works has little impact on their child’s behavior

Mothers who work full-time or part-time in the first six years of their child’s life have little impact on the child’s behavior, according to new research by the University of Cologne, contrary to wha...

TCKs: What Does It Mean?

TCKs: What Does It Mean?

“There is a sense of being at home anywhere, and yet a lack of attachment to any one place, culture or group.” So many of us grew up with parents from the same country, although perhaps from different...

A Family Shopping Day at Scalo Milano Outlet

A Family Shopping Day at Scalo Milano Outlet

Milano Moda  Milan is not only the backdrop for the fashion runways, but it is a shopping destination for anyone looking for true Milanese style.  There is a shopping district in Milan for every kind ...

Adventure Parks in Italy – great time for friends and family!

Adventure Parks in Italy – great time for friends and family!

Adventure parks (parchi avventura) are a fairly new phenomenon in Italy, but there are quite a few that are really worth visiting. Apart from being great places where everybody, children and grown ups...

What Will Italy Become Without Its Elders?

What Will Italy Become Without Its Elders?

Luisa Cortesi is an environmental anthropologist at Cornell University. Here she shares a poignant insider view of the COVID-19 pandemic as seen from her hometown Bergamo, Italy. Her insights into the...

Online Learning Resources for Parents During Lockdown

Online Learning Resources for Parents During Lockdown

Dear Parents, Are you are struggling to find ways to entertain and keep your kids occupied while quarantined? Many of you are already organized with online lessons from school but some of you may need...

Day trips from Milan for families with kids!

Day trips from Milan for families with kids!

Ten destinations only one hour away by car from Milan. The best choices when you run out of ideas in town.  Castello di Gropparello 80 km from Milan Travel back in time for a fantastic family adventur...

Why women’s issues are everyone’s issues in Italy

Why women’s issues are everyone’s issues in Italy

Two years ago, I offered to take on the responsibility to set up and manage a series of conferences on ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ on behalf of the British Chamber of Commerce for Italy. Over the follow...

Staying in Milan With Kids This Summer?  Stay Sane and Have Fun!

Staying in Milan With Kids This Summer? Stay Sane and Have Fun!

It’s nearly here again…summer! And with it comes the end of another school year and the start of what seems to be both the fastest and slowest season of the year, depending on where you’re sitting. So...

University Abroad in Uncertain Times:  Some Good News

University Abroad in Uncertain Times: Some Good News

Global uncertainty appears to be a common thread—“un filo conduttore,” as they say in Italian—in much of the news these days. In the field of education, we’ve received disheartening word about propose...

The Accompanying Partner, AKA: The Trailing Spouse

The Accompanying Partner, AKA: The Trailing Spouse

“take heart that every single ex-pat you meet was once as green as you are…” There seems to be no great label for a role that is challenging, hard to define and often overlooked when talking about lif...

Quotas for minorities (and majorities): Are they the right way to solve discrimination?

Quotas for minorities (and majorities): Are they the right way to solve discrimination?

Quotas for minorities (and majorities): Session Report 1* Do women need to be helped, actually? In reality, as long as there is an issue of diversity between men and women, there will never be an equa...
