Benvenuto Soirée

Benvenuto Soirée


May 25


19:30 - 23:30

Event Category:

Events, Featured

Event Tags:

Benvenuto Club, Benvenuto Club of Milan, benvenuto event, benvenuto soiree, community, event, event in milan, expats, living in milan


Benvenuto Club of Milan


Magna Pars L' Hotel À Parfum

Via Tortona 15


Join an evening soirée to celebrate the end of Benvenuto Club’s year. Cocktails and light food, live music show, dancing and much more!

At the heart of our club’s vitality lies this year’s Benvenuto Soirée, an evening devoted to celebrating the beauty, strength, and individuality of the community, while expressing gratitude for the unwavering support of our members.

This year’s soirée promises an enchanting experience, featuring a welcoming drink, a buffet of delectable foods, comfortable seating at your table, and live music from the exceptional band of the club’s own member Francesca di Lorenzo. Guests will have ample opportunities to mingle and enjoy the festivities.

Read more about the event here.

General Information

Dress Code: Elegant Attire
Entrance fee: 50€ Member, 100€ Member with one Guest, 65€ Guests

RSVP to:
Rachele Rutili
Estefy Salado

Payment to: Benvenuto Club of Milan
IBAN: IT59Q0200801600000103996605
Causale: Names + Soirée


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