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In 1993, the Fondazione Corti was founded in Milan. The Foundation is not-for-profit and its purpose is to support the St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor in Gulu, Uganda, both financially and with technical-logistical assistance. The Foundation was created through the will of physicians Piero Corti e Lucille Teasdale, who through 40 years of work managed and developed the hospital, transforming it from a small missionary hospital into the largest not-for-profit hospital in equatorial Africa.
Today the Foundation is the Hospital’s biggest supporter. Guiding the work is Piero and Lucille’s daughter, Dominique, whose ongoing search for funds, goods, and skills continues to make possible the objective to which her parents dedicated their entire lives: Giving the people of Uganda a universally accessible hospital and the ability to build their own tomorrow.
The work of the Fondazione Corti is only possible thanks to the support and generosity of Italian and other donors: individuals, families, physicians, groups of friends, businesses and granting foundations. Your support can provide care for many patients.
Care, training, progress…because the future begins every day, with one person treated, or one life saved from poverty.
We believe in a better tomorrow for Uganda, and we believe in the duty to care for those with the greatest need. In one of the poorest countries in Africa, where wars, epidemics and violence have battered the population for over 40 years, we believe that health and progress are closely connected; that poor health is itself a cause of poverty.
A healthy country is a country able to build its own future: Taking care of a child means raising a healthy adult; curing a man means enabling a father to support his own family and to participate through his work in the growth of his country.
Find our more about our story here:
The steadfast commitment of founders Piero and Lucille Corti, and of Fondazione Corti today, has enabled Lacor Hospital to become a landmark for millions of people in Northern Uganda. Today, the Hospital does much more than treat the sick: it has become a driving force for social and economic development in the region.
The inhabitants of two districts, 500.000 people, trust Lacor Hospital for care. For some of them, the Hospital is the only place they can go to in all of Northern Uganda. Some patients even arrive from nearby Southern Sudan.
250.000 patients are treated every year in the Hospital and the 3 peripheral health centres, located within a 40 km radius. The free care the Hospital provides is the only opportunity for many to receive medical assistance: 67% of the local population lives in poverty.
60.000 children are vaccinated and approximately 6,000 are monitored every year. In a country where the infant mortality rate is still very high (90 children out of 1,000 born will not reach the age of 5 years), 45% of the Hospital’s patients are mothers and children under the age of 6.
600 locally hired employees: the Lacor Hospital is one of the largest private sector employers in Northern Uganda.
500 Interest-freeFlagged for delete given by the Hospital’s credit cooperative. Many employees use these to send their children to school. Thousands of children have received an education thanks to this opportunity and the job stability the Hospital provides.
450 students are trained every year in the schools for nurses, midwives, laboratory assistants and anaesthesia technicians. They become nationally qualified professionals because the Hospital’s schools have Ministry of Health accreditation.
190 university medical students attend Lacor Hospital, which serves as a Campus of the Faculty of Medicine of Gulu University.
SROI – Social Return on Investment
Together with Centro Studi Lang we estimated the SROI generated by the presence of Lacor Hospital. For every euro donated to Lacor there is a social impact of 2,92 euro of addition welfare in the local community. The Lacor Hospital does not only provide health care and medical education but it also generates a positive externality on the local economy.
Download our brochure here.
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Piazza Velasca 6, 20122 Milan
Tel. – Fax. +39 02 8054728
Email: info@fondazionecorti.it
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