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Drop In Coffee with the Benvenuto Club

Drop In Coffee with the Benvenuto Club


October 4 - 10:00


September 27 - 12:00

Event Category:

Events, Featured

Event Tags:

Benvenuto Club, coffee, expats, networking


Benvenuto Club

Email: president@benvenutoclubofmilan.it

Piccolo Cafe

Via Rovello 2

Milan, Italy

Join us every Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00 at the Piccolo Cafe, via Rovello 2.

Come and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with Lussi and Benvenuto ladies!

For more info contact the Newcomers Director Lussi Fioretti: newcomers@benvenutoclubofmilan.it


About the Benvenuto Club
The Club was established in 1967 by a handful of visionary women (American, British and Italian) who saw the need to help English speaking newcomers to Milan settle into their new home. It remains a self-governing, nonprofit, apolitical, non-commercial organization that depends on the time and creativity of its membership to thrive. Currently, our membership is over 276 women from over 48 countries, however through the years thousands of women have enjoyed the Club’s hospitality during their stay in Milan. There are many good reasons to contribute your energy and effort to the Benvenuto Club of Milan, lots to do and enjoy; check out the rest of the website, then come find or contact us.

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