Sing with us! Christmas Carols with All Saints’ Choir

Sing with us! Christmas Carols with All Saints’ Choir


December 7


16:30 - 19:30

Event Category:

Annual, Events, Featured


All Saints Anglican Church

Via Solferino 17


It’s time once again to think about carol singing under the tree and a date for the diary for those interested in participating.

This year I am once again looking to bring together a group of carol singers to join the All Saints’ Anglican Church Choir on:

Thursday evening, 7th December, at 4:30pm in the Church courtyard.

The idea of the carol singing is to promote the Church in its local community and raise awareness, while at the same time enjoying a good sing of traditional carols, full of festive joy!

As in past years there will be no rehearsal as such, as you all know the pieces well, I think! Although I would ask you to gather at 4:30pm in the Church courtyard for a quick run through first. Any serious studying will, however, require to be done beforehand on your own at home! (Contact us for a copy of the song book.)

To give us an idea of numbers please would you confirm if you are interested and able to come along.  Also, if you know anyone else with a carol singing background and who knows all the pieces then please do ask them to come along too, if they are interested in joining in.  The more the merrier, particularly when we are singing outside!

Our annual carol singing event has been much appreciated by the local community and, in the past, we have actually been part of a local community Christmas fair event, Festa dell’Albero. Sadly, however, we have no news of such an event this year but let’s see what happens. Life is full of surprises!

Many thanks. Look forward to hearing from you!


Contact: 3337906965

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