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Olya Novikova – Ayurveda Wellness Consultant, Therapist & Life Coach in Milan


Date : 14/07/2022
Location : Milano

Meditation, Ayurveda and Mental Fitness Coaching in Milan.

Join your path to mental and physical well-being!
Eliminate stress, fear and anxiety, unlock your full potential and reach your highest goals, while gaining mental and physical wellbeing, even in the middle of a difficult life situation.
Yes, there is a way!

Through her AMF method, rooted in the ancient eastern philosophies integrated with western modern science, she helps professional women over 40 alleviate the states of anxiety, stress and fear and reach states of peace, clarity, empowerment and total wellbeing, so they finally can create the life they truly love and flourish in it!

Inner Wisdom Ayurvedic  Studio in Milan

Olya Novikova

Ayurveda Wellness Consultant, Therapist & Life Coach

Milano (near Piazza Firenze, Cso. Sempione)
Arese (near the Sports Center)

Tel. +39 3938039583

Website: innerwisdom.it 

Email: Olya_Novikova@yahoo.com

Olya Novikova

Olya Novikova, is a certified Ayurveda practitioner and Life Coach in Milan. Originally from Russia, she has traveled the world, has lived in the United States and is now living here in Milan. 

After a successful career as a professional tennis player, she then went on to work for the Disney Corporation for 20 years as a manager and financial director in the United States and Italy.

In her personal pursuit for inner spiritual development, she left the corporate world to enter the world of holistic healing and has dedicated the past ten years studying both ancient and modern techniques in Russia, India and the United States which she now applies in healing and coaching.

As an expat herself, she understands the struggles that foreign nationals have adjusting to a new culture, language, and work environment. Her treatments and coaching have helped many people find the balance needed to face physical and mental challenges, make decisions about their career and financial situation, as well as work out relationship issues with their partners, colleagues, and family members and discover their life’s purpose to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Olya speaks Russian, English and Italian and specializes in: 

  • Bodywork and Ayurvedic & Panchakarma Treatments
  • Ayurvedic wellbeing consulting
  • Life & Business Coaching

She works from two locations, one in Milan and the other in Arese. Virtual consultations via Zoom, Skype or mobile are also available. 

Click here to make an appointment

An Ancient Solution for Modern Problems

Olya Novikova,  Ayurveda Wellness Consultant, Therapist & Life Coach in Milan

Modern stresses can be relieved by the ancient techniques of Ayurveda right here in Milan. Whether it’s job loss, financial pressure or you just need a break from everyday situations and you want to treat yourself to relaxing treatment, Ayurveda offers many alternatives for both physical and mental rejuvenation.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient science of health and wellness. Originated in India, the term derives from the Sanskrit ayur, meaning “life” or “longevity,” and veda, meaning “knowledge” or “science.” 

It not only helps eliminate stress and diseases, but it also teaches us how to prevent them by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Ayurveda is natural and will not cause side effects.

Ayurveda views and treats the body and its relationship with the five elements: earth, fire, water, air, and space.

This ancient Indian medical practice considers three vital energies or doshas – Vata (air and space), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (water and earth). When these fundamental energy levels remain balanced, you are in good health; however, when one of these elements becomes too overpowering or too weak, then the body-mind system will become ill.

Olya Novikova offers Ayurveda treatments and lifestyle consultations at the Inner Wisdom Studio in Milan. 

Relieve Stress & Anxiety with Ayurveda 

When stress or anxiety get in the way of daily life, it is time to examine the cause.  Not getting enough sleep, feeling uneasy about going to work or finding that everyday circumstances have become overwhelming are all signs that there is a vital imbalance. 

Olya can help you find the key to understanding the triggers behind your stress and adopting the right stress management skills through Ayurveda. 

A lot goes into maintaining good health when we are forced to fight an imbalance caused by a wayward dosha which in turn causes loss of energy, motivation and vitality. 

An Individualized Approach

Ayurveda treatment uses a holistic approach. The Ayurveda practitioner creates an individualized method for each person. An integral part of Ayurveda therapy is a comprehensive questionnaire and consultation. This allows the therapist to understand not only the situation but allows her to examine which energy imbalances may be at the root of the problem. 

Ayurveda Treatments

Traditional Ayurveda treatments as known in the west are a special type of Ayurvedic warm oil massage. These oil treatments use ancient recipes made of natural, herb infused oils, powders and spices. The oils contain medicinal properties that help revitalize and heal both body and mind promoting improved health and wellbeing. All remedies are natural and do not present any side effects. 

The oils are warmed to a comfortable temperature and applied with long, soothing massage strokes, following a specific pattern along the body energy lines and vital energetic points. Massages can be performed with two hands (by a single operator) or four hands (by multiple operators). They can be complete (on the whole body and lasting 60 minutes or more) or partial (in specific areas and lasting 30/40 minutes).

Facing Illness & Health Issues

Individuals facing serious illness can be treated with the support of an Ayurvedic medical doctor. Olya works closely with the Ayurvedic Medicine doctor Dr. Victory Craxi of the Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgical Studio. For patients with serious illness, she will refer them to Dr. Craxi and stay in close collaboration with the doctor while carrying out the prescribed treatments. 

(This video in Italian)  Click here to see more videos in both English and Italian

The Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatments

The treatments work to bring the doshas into equilibrium, and in so doing they alleviate discomfort and states of disease, promote a sense of general well-being and vitality. Each treatment is aimed at one (or more) specific conditions. In general, the treatments are used to help: 

  • Disease prevention, health care and maintenance, and promotion of longevity
  • Reduction of the state of stress and balancing of the nervous system
  • Balance between the individual and the environment, and between the body, mind and spirit
  • Empowerment of the true self and awakening of one’s abilities and talents

Life & Business Coaching

In addition to Ayurveda massage therapy, changes in lifestyle, mindset and diet may be advised. With her knowledge of Ayurveda and international training as a Personal Coach, Olya can help guide you towards your desired goal.

Making changes can be a bit scary for everyone but having someone that can help you see with clarity and keep you accountable while at the same time be encouraging, can keep you on your path to achieving your final goal of happiness, life-balance, and fulfillment. 

Coaching sessions can include:

  • Health and Wellbeing: Integrating Body, Mind and Spirit 
  • Personal and Spiritual Development – Learning and Growing 
  • Social life and Creativity
  • Career / Business
  • Relationships: Cultivating the Connection
  • Finances: Living in abundance

Inner Wisdom Ayurvedic Studio Milan

Olya Novikova

Milano (near Piazza Firenze, Cso. Sempione)
Arese (near the Sports Center)

Tel. +39 3938039583

Website: innerwisdom.it 

Email: Olya_Novikova@yahoo.com

Click here to make an appointment

Languages spoken: Russian, English and Italian




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