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The Reading Women of Benvenuto Club

The Reading Women of Benvenuto Club


September 8


10:00 - 12:00

Event Category:


Event Tags:

Benvenuto Club, book, expats, reading, women


Benvenuto Club of Milan

Email: president@benvenutoclubofmilan.it

The Pure Caffé

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Milan, Italy

The Benvenuto club meets to discuss books in English once a month.

About the Benvenuto Club

The Club was established in 1967 by a handful of visionary women (American, British and Italian) who saw the need to help English speaking newcomers to Milan settle into their new home. It remains a self-governing, nonprofit, apolitical, non-commercial organization that depends on the time and creativity of its membership to thrive. Currently, our membership is over 276 women from over 48 countries, however through the years thousands of women have enjoyed the Club’s hospitality during their stay in Milan. There are many good reasons to contribute your energy and effort to the Benvenuto Club of Milan, lots to do and enjoy; check out the rest of the website, then come find or contact us.

The club organizes various special activities each month such as guided tours of museum and other places of interest, day trips to neighboring towns, wine appreciation and cooking classes, visits to historical sites, luncheons, lectures, and a monthly aperitivo. All activities are listed in advance on the Benvenuto website and in the monthly magazine “benvenuto” and/or announced via emails and WhatsApp messages to the membership; all members are welcome to participate and some activities are open to partners and children.

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