How to Get a SPID Digital Identity in Italy

How to Get a SPID Digital Identity in Italy

If you are planning to move to Italy, you will find that there is a sea of bureaucracy to navigate. One item on the essentials list is a SPID ID. If you would like to know more about what a SPID Digital Identity is, click here.

How to Get a SPID?

SPID identities can be issued by several providers.  You must register with one of these providers. The system is designed to guarantee maximum security and privacy. SPID ensures the maximum confidentiality of data and is designed to increase transparency on the management of its data and provide services utilizing minimum data. The Service Provider cannot keep the user data it receives from the Identity Provider and it is forbidden to track the activities of an individual.

Who are the providers issuing SPID?

  • Aruba
  • Infocert
  • Intesa (Ibm Group)
  • Lepida
  • PosteItaliane (PosteID)
  • SielteID
  • Telecom Italia Trust Technologies
  • Namirial

To get a SPID, go to the website of one of the above-mentioned providers and register online for a SPID. After you register online, download their app on your mobile phone as well.

Note from the editor:

I found that the registration with Poste Italiane was very easy and free. With, you have to first register online and then go to a post office for id verification. The last step of the registration process is to make an appointment for the id verification in person at a post office. I was able to register and be verified within an hour.

How much does a SPID Cost?

The cost for a SPID is free, however some providers require payment for the id verification process.

What is required for getting a SPID?

  • carte identità (id card)
  • codice fiscale (fiscal code) or carte sanitaria (health card)
  • an email address
  • a smartphone

You will need a valid id document, tax code, email address and a smartphone which can receive WhatsApp messages (not all SPID providers use sms).

After registering online with a provider, a personal verification must be carried out. Some providers do this online via PC or mobile phone cameras with video. Other providers require recognition in person at an office.

Some providers charge a fee for the verification process.

How does a SPID work once you get it?

When you visit a website that uses SPID login, it will first ask who your id provider is. Click the provider’s name and a login page will appear. You can login with your id and password or simply by framing the QR code on the page with your SPID mobile app.

Some websites, also ask for your email and mobile number for double verification.


Click here to get a free SPID with Poste Italiane

Learn more about what a SPID Digital Identity is here.

Learn more about how to active your SPID on

Article by Easy Milano Editorial Staff
