Milan Pride Month

Milan Pride Month

Known as an extraordinary celebration of freedom, Milan Pride is the first display of LGBTQIA+ pride: gay, lesbian, bi+, transgender and non-binary, asexual, intersex, queer, and any other identity. What better place to be than Milan, which is named the gay capital of Italy!

Held annually in June, Milan comes alive with a rich calendar of initiatives with the goal of helping the community advance its demands, making its voice heard and proudly giving visibility to its issues. From colorful events, parades and activities that commemorate the LGBTQ+ community, Milan Pride Month serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight for equality and acceptance while also celebrating the process that has been made. It not only fosters solidarity, but also promotes acceptance and understanding among all members of society.

Photo from Wikimedia Commons

The heart of Milano pride is in the Porta Venezia district; even it’s metro station is adorned with an LGBTQIA+ flag plastered onto the walls. The hub of the community in this district comes to life in Pride Month, where there are many stalls for food and drink and even stimulating debates on the importance of protecting the LGBTQIA+ community in hostile environments. 

The month-long celebrations end with the Pride Parade, a colorful event where everyone comes together to celebrate diversity, equality, and LGBTQ+ rights by walking through the streets of Milan, ending with a great final event at Arco della Palace. This parade is one of the most thrilling and animated experiences in Milan. There are floats and performers, as well as professional photographers documenting the journey, everyone comes together to celebrate. Be sure to dress in expressive outfits, as this is also the place to show off your unique style!  There are several famous Italian artists who perform in the open air space converted into a stage, to show their support, at an all night party! In the spirit of inclusivity, these small concerts are all free for the public to access, and Italian sin language interpreters are there to assist as well.

Find out more about Pride Month and its events on the official website

Photo from Wikimedia Commons
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