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Date : 05/10/2023

The School That Prepares for The Future

Training curious students, accustomed to thinking and capable of acting in an aware and constructive way in the face of the challenges of an increasingly global and constantly evolving context. This is the didactic approach of the International Baccalaureate Program.

Structured as a real multifunctional campus on the outskirts of Milan, the International School of Milan was the first international school to open in Italy in 1958 and among the first to offer the International Baccalaureate Program (IB Programme). This scholastic path, recognized in our country since 1987, today gathers an ever wider interest from all those parents sensitive to the need to educate their children with an approach that can open the doors to a global future for them and prepare them for ever-lasting changes, faster than the new generations are going to meet.

There are currently almost 2 million students following the IB, divided into over 6,000 schools in 160 countries. International School of Milan is proudly part of this widespread “community” and bases its training proposal both on a consolidated experience of over 60 years, and on the new awareness that the school is no longer just a place to learn, but must provide the key to understanding how to build your own future.

The Institute is led by Tom Vignoles, whose many years of experience as a teacher and leader in schools around the world (United Kingdom, Muscat, Rio de Janeiro and Hong Kong) represents an indisputable added value in the contribution that the president is called to give in the development and growth of the school community.

Grow in an International Dimension

Choosing this school model means giving your children the opportunity to grow up in an international dimension through which to develop an open vision of the world, based on respect, tolerance and inclusion. “On our Campus – explains Tom Vignoles, president of the Institute – the students are selected from over 50 different nationalities. This multiculturalism is essential for learning to act consciously and constructively in a social and economic context such as the current one, which is increasingly global and constantly changing. Anyone who learns to think from an “international” point of view is certainly at an advantage since they are able to adapt faster and more successfully to the increasingly rapid evolution of society. And in all of this, English, from a vehicular language, is transformed into a formidable tool of communication and inclusion”.


The international vision, however, does not exclude the local element, which always remains an important point of reference for the students: the Italian language and culture, for example, are part of the program together with numerous educational initiatives carried out in collaboration with the realities locals.

Development of critical thinking, practical experience, constructive comparisons and reflections characterise the entire school experience, divided into three moments: the PYP (Primary Years Programme) for children aged 3 to 10, the MYP (Middle Years Programme) for 11 to 16 year olds and the DP (Diploma Programme) for 16 to 18 year olds.

The New Early Years Department

The new Early Years department is not just a physical space; it’s a vibrant ecosystem of learning, imagination, and discovery.  With state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated educators, and a curriculum designed to ignite young minds, we are committed to providing a nurturing environment where children can explore, learn, and grow.



A Curriculum in Step with the Needs of the Market

Another feature of the IB program is the possibility for the student to always be one step ahead in building his/her curriculum so as to arrive at the choice of University in an informed manner and with a profile suited to market demands. The definition of one’s specific career path already takes place in the last two years of the Middle Years Programme. “The students thus initiate an absolutely personal reflection which, in fact, indicates the path that each student aims to take” explains the Headmaster. “Every year we also host the University fairs, a meeting point between the students of the Diploma Program (16-18 year olds) and the admission officers of the most important national and international universities. A precious and unique opportunity for our students to get to know the academic offer and the macro trends of the job market”.

The IB Diploma and Access to Universities

Between the end of April and the beginning of May, final year students take the exams for graduation, taken simultaneously in various countries of the world by all students of the IB Programme. “The evaluation of the tests is done externally and then the final grade comes back here at the base” explains the principal. The achievement of the IB diploma, therefore, is determined by a rigorous objective criterion that opens the doors to the best universities in the world. “Statistics show that IB students are about 20% more likely to be admitted to the world’s top universities” concludes the dean.

To visit the school we invite you on the open days held on 20 October – 22 November – 24 January.

Find out more information about the open days here.


Via I Maggio, 20 – 20021 Baranzate (MI)

School office: Tel. +39 02872581



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