Come Sorelle (stories of ordinary pain)

Come Sorelle (stories of ordinary pain)


November 25


20:30 - 22:30

Event Category:

Events, Featured


Human in Progress


Politeatro di Milano

Viale Lucania 18


A special evening

On November 25th at the Politeatro di Milano, in Viale Lucania 18, an evening dedicated to the fight against maltreatment and abuse of women will be held by the association Human In Progress.

Monique Mazreku presents her own all-female play “Come Sorelle” (stories of ordinary pain).

It is an acute and topical reflection on the condition of women beyond any ethnic, cultural, historical or psychological difference.


Monique Mazreku

Adriana Castronovo

Chiara Marigo

Isabelle Oresta



€20 euro, donation.

Proceeds will support Human InProgress

Human in Progress was established by a group of professionals, psychologists and lawyers, providing a theoretical-practical answer to today’s serious world situation. It is a moral commitment, that to interpret what is happening in our global society with the aim of enriching ourselves with the awareness that only we (each individual) can make a full impact through social and adapted initiatives in a human sense and in respect for otherness, a precious component of each individual. Learn more.


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