Milano Pride Month and Parade 2024

Milano Pride Month and Parade 2024


June 1 - 15:00


June 30 - 01:00

Event Category:

Annual, Events, Featured

Event Tags:

event, milan events, milan pride month, milan pride parade, pride month, pride parade

Event Website

Milano Pride

Website: Organizer's Website

Arco della Pace

Piazza Sempione

Milan, Italy

Also this year Milan is tinged with rainbow with Milan Pride, the eagerly awaited event of June who fights and supports the LGBTQIA+ community and beyond. The parade and final event of closing on Saturday 29 June – unquestionably one of the most heartfelt and attended events of the year – they are just the tip of the iceberg. Here are 5 key moments of the next Milan Pride

Photo by Getty – Antonio Masiello

“Milan Pride is a great occasion in which the city takes to the streets, testifying that the values ​​of participation, freedom and intersectionality are once again protagonists in our city. This year we are at the 23rd edition; over the years the event has evolved more and more and last year it involved over three hundred thousand people on the day of the parade, but also almost 150 initiatives – from public and private associations – over the course of what we can now call Pride Month .” Comments Alice Redaelli, President of CIG Arcigay Milano, an association that organizes Milan Pride in collaboration with the other associations of the Arcobaleno Coordination, the coordination of the LGBTQIA+ associations of Milan and the Metropolitan City.

Milan Pride 2024 includes festivals, theater shows, concerts, book presentations, sporting activities, stand up comedy, talks, guided tours, drag shows, and much more. The detailed program of all events is updated on the official website

Pride Month
From 1st to 30th June, spread throughout the city. A range of events linked to the LGBTQ+ world and beyond, distributed throughout the city, from the center to the suburbs: debates, talks, presentations, music, cinema, theatre.

Pride Sports Month
8 June, Pride Sport Night, Elfo Puccini Theatre;
22-23 June, Pride Sport Arena, Arco della Pace.

In collaboration with Pride Sport Milano
A series of events and initiatives dedicated to the world of LGBTQ+ sport and inclusivity: from a celebratory evening show at the Elfo Puccini Theatre, to a real arena in a public square which will act as the kick-off of the week that leads us to parade, with tournaments, cultural and musical activities and DJ sets. The protagonists are the LGBTQ+ sports teams but also their allies on the national territory, the federations and sports personalities. Open to the whole city!

Pride Squares
26, 27 and 28 June in three squares in Porta Venezia: Piazzale Lavater, Piazza Santa Francesca Romana, Largo Bellintani.
The festival of events and initiatives is back which transforms three squares into meeting and discussion places open to all. In Piazza Santa Francesca Romana and Piazzale Lavater there will be alternating intense days of talks, debates, rights and politics but also art and culture, as well as moments dedicated to families and children. In Largo Bellintani there will be a unit dedicated to health and prevention in collaboration with Milano Check Point. And this year Piazzale Lavater opens from Wednesday!

Pride Parade and Final Event
June 29, from via Vittor Pisani to Arco della Pace
On the afternoon of Saturday 29 June the big parade returns through the streets of Milan, starting from via Vittor Pisani, in front of the Central Station. Hundreds of thousands of people will color the streets of the city and embrace the city up to the Arco della Pace. From the large stage in Arco della Pace the voices of the associations, the requests of the LGBTQIA+ community and the demands of the activists will be raised, as well as greetings from the institutions and moments of entertainment. Afterwards we will celebrate Pride in the square with music and many singers and artists.

Pride Parade Programme

3 p.m. – Meeting in Via Vittorio Pisani, in front of the Central Station

4 p.m. – Departure from Piazza Repubblica – Viale Liberazione

6:30 p.m. Arrival at Arco Della Pace

6:30 pm To midnight  – grand final event at the Arco della Pace

Above is the map with all the free parking areas, the water fountains, the accesses to the park and even the shaded areas, everything that can be useful to make the parade accessible for everyone (including the points on the route with cobblestones and bike paths in case you wish to come by bike)

Sempre Liber3
30 June, Elfo Puccini Theatre
In collaboration with CIG Arcigay Milano and Alchemico Tre. To close Pride Month, a new edition of Semper Liber3 will be held, the theatrical evening dedicated to queer art in all its performative expressions: from theater to dance to stand up comedy. Objective: to give space to young artists, promote intergenerational dialogue and be a space of freedom and creativity, bringing the general public closer to art. A relay of art activists gives life to a unique and unrepeatable show. With national artists of theatre, dance, music and comedy, guests from TV and culture. But also the original contributions of young artists in training from the Milan Theater Schools.

Read more about Milano Pride Month here.


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