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Voting information for American Citizens Abroad

Voting information for American Citizens Abroad

Voting assistance for Service members, their families, and overseas citizens
Absentee Voting Overview

Americans can vote. Wherever they are.

FVAP – Federal Voting Assistance Program

FVAP encourages the use of the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to start the absentee voting process as it is standardized for use across all states and will extend your eligibility to receive a ballot for all federal elections for at least one calendar year. The FPCA acts as both a registration and absentee ballot request form. We encourage overseas citizen voters to submit a new FPCA every year and when they move.



Easy Milano

Easy Milano is the online publication for the international community of Milan. We offer practical tips, key information and essential insights about living and working in Italy. Easy Milano has been assisting English speaking expats in Milan since 1999.
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