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FREE US Tax and US/Italy Financial Planning Event

FREE US Tax and US/Italy Financial Planning Event


Signature by Regus

Via S. Raffaele, 1

Milan, Italy

Americans living in Milan are welcome to register for free and in-person 1:1 consultations with a US/IT financial planner and/or with a US expat tax advisor. Consultations are available in person with slots available from 9:00 to 18:00 at the Signature by Regus (Via S. Raffaele, 1).

Booking is available on Eventbrite. Register here.

You may book as an individual or as a couple, and each consultation is 30 minutes long.

If you are unable to attend in person but would like to meet virtually, please email info@chasebuchananusa.com who are happy to conduct meetings virtually, too.

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